Yes, there was really a sign for a restaurant with that name. I assume they meant it as in being cocky and full of oneself but still, you have to wonder what people are thinking when they come up with these names.

So i gave in and let Midnight sit up front with me. Eventually we found a better place in the back where he slept for most of the drive with no yowling and no panicking in general. He was right as rain once he didn’t feel trapped. Also..he was nice enough to refrain from doing his business until we got to the hotel.
Midnight sleeping

So I went almost completely through Oklahoma today and did I see even one stray buffalo? nope. not a one. I was quite disappointed in the state. It was a nice drive though. No rain and maybe some minor traffic in Oklahoma City. It has finally started to feel like out west. The air today was hot and dry. I think it went up to 102 today but without the humidity it felt so nice. The motel 6 in Elk City is rather nice. The internet is working and it was nice to walk into a building to get to my room.

So far my only problem has been the loud truckers slamming their door and banging next door when they got locked out. It scared the crap out of Midnight and I. So yeah other than that things have been fine. I left the room briefly to go eat at a nearby cafe, where I amused some of the truckers there because i couldn’t help but laugh when one of their phones range with E.T. by Katy Perry as the ring tone. I’m sorry but that shit was just hilarious.

I have to say that I am getting a touch homesick. Not for the state of Massachusetts, but more homesick for people. It will be hard not having my regular trips to karaoke, the club and Ihop. It just won’t be the same without a lot of you. Oh well..all I can do is try my best to keep in touch, visit and hope that of them makes it out to visit me…
