Well I made it to Virginia as previously posted but I’ve decided to stay a bit longer than planned. I realized that I was not likely to make it to Arizona by the 4th. So I figured, why not spend the 4th of July with my stepmother and brothers? It does help me to avoid the traffic of 4th of July weekend. I will say that it was actually my Uncles suggestion that I stole for my own.

My animals appear to be quite happy with all of this space. I let MJ out of her cage to play yesterday and she was actually playing with Midnight. I’d always worried he might hurt her but they seemed to get along pretty well. He seemed scared of her a few times, but then my cat is a bit of a wimp. My stepmom’s chubby cat Stella has put him in his place on multiple occasions. he definitely understands that it is her house and not his.

I admit I’m getting mildly restless. I feel like I need a purpose but there isn’t much I can do while I’m here. I worked at applying for school loans but without a co-signer there is no way they will give me a penny. I will work on a few cover letters I suppose. So I can send my resume to some various places between now and when I get to AZ. It’s looking like I will be there by the end of next week..hopefully.

So we’ll see what happens..