I was sitting on the back porch of my stepmom’s townhouse, well prepared with a moderate spraying of bug repellant, and I realized that this was probably one of my last chances to see fireflies for awhile. Arizona doesn’t get fireflies and I will be much too tired when I get to Tennessee to go out and enjoy them as I once did down in Pulaski, TN. I was just out of fourth grade and out with a stereotypical mason jar, eagerly trying to catch my first lightning bug. Still being from Arizona I had never seen them before. It was in front of the house that used to be my great Uncle Joe and his wife Helenmae’s old house. So that’s what I did tonight. I sat and watched fireflies, trying now and again to capture one of them on film so to speak, though of course my camera is digital so it isn’t really.

Anyway..so tomorrow is the 4th of July and my last day visiting with Miriam and my brother’s Danny and Robbie. I will have to post a picture of me with them. At 15 and almost 17 years of age they are now both taller than me. Tomorrow we will light sparklers and fire crackers, and a few of those large sparking things, all of which are legal in Virginia, unlike Massachusetts.

Sometime during the day I will re-pack my car, sans the rabbit and cat and one of my boxes which I will be trying to ship before I head out on Tuesday.
Kingston, TN
My first destination in my 5 day drive will be Kingston, TN. It will take me 7+ hours to get there as i make my way through Virginia, pausing at some point to wave in the illustrious Chuck’s general direction. I’d love to stop and say hello but I have limited funds and need to get to Arizona as fast as I can..within reason. Were I alone without any animals I might try to stop a bit more sparingly, sleeping at a few rest stops on my drive to save money. But oh well. it is nice to have the company.

Next on my drive I will move through Tennessee and into Arkansas, my goal being North Little Rock to the Motel 6 there.
North Little Rock, AK
After Arkansas I will drift into Oklahoma, stopping in Elk City. Apparently there is a Route 66 museum there which I might just stop into for postcards at least. That is one of my main highways, route 66.
Route 66 MuseumElk City, OK
Last of all I will be in part of Albuquerque,NM. I figured since I lived there briefly as a child that I owed a small homage to the place.
Albuquerque, NM

And last but not least I will leave NM behind and be safe in Tempe, AZ for the 9th.

And on to new and exciting adventures.
